Thursday, 8 September 2011

I'm back!

Hey there(: I'm back from my 17 day long holiday in Turkey! I'm very tanned :P So anyways, WE NEED NEW WRITERS! DESPERATELY!!!

Please apply on the specific page! You will most likely get a job! I will be trying to advertise the blog everywhere I can and it would be much appreciated if you could too ?  I doubt anyone will because this blog is sooooo unpopular! :( But I just won't give up, not just yet anyway ;)

Thank you to Kayci (Kkrrbb78) and Kirstie (XxNoAngelxX) for helping me with this blog! You have been a great help tome and I'm so upset we're losing Kirstie! But good luck to her again.

Remember apply for jobs!!

P.S New banners coming soon...



Stardoll Graphics said...

wanna be writer about graphic/ free stff

Jennie♥ said...

ok... leave a comment on the specific page x