Sunday, 12 June 2011

Interwiew xD

Hey everyone it's marta Here i'm back on the blog!! ;D
Anyways i don't have my banner just yet but it will be posted on the blog soon ;D

My interwiew was with Katie My friend :)
Here are the questions with the answers next to them :)

1. How did you find out about stardoll? Just looking aat games abd it told me to try stardoll

2. Are you glad you joined?  YES!!!....although it does waste my time a bit :/

3. Do you think you would ever leave or just pass down your account to someone? Yes and no Ha,Ha!

4. Do you think stardoll is too expensive? I think they are good but more attractive and pretty stuff could be added.

5. What do you think of stardoll shops? I think they are good but more attractive and pretty stuff could be added.

6. Do you wish DKNY was back and why?

 I really do wish we had DKNY back because the clothes were amazing and werent too pricey either!!! ;D

7. I can see you are superstar now, would you like to become royalty? . Yes i would love to be,I am 51 days away from becoming it! XD

8. What do you think about Callie.stardoll and the other stardoll staff? Urm... :L dont really have an opinion because to me , they seem to do a lot.

9. Do you like hotbuys and are you a collector?  I love the hotbuys, but some of them are a bit Unpretty though ;L

10. What do you think of stardoll starpoints? I love the starpoint system, it really gives you something to aim for and i love getting the rewards at the end too!!!

Also here is a picture of Katie ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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