Thursday, 12 May 2011

Pretty in Love HBs Dress!

Hey look! Another Hotbuy popped up in Starplaza today. Ain't it just the cutest?

Personally, I love it. It's such a nice colour, and it's probably something I'd wear in real life. Probably with lace tights and biker boots, because that's how I roll. But oh dear, the price... I remember when Hotbuys used to be quite cheap, around 10sd at most for something like this... in this day and age on Stardoll though, it costs 21 stardollars. Pricey! But it'd probably be a lot more expensive in Starbazaar if I go to buy it!

One last thing. Expect a new header banner very shortly, I'm starting to work on it today! Shouldn't take me too long. :) Longer than usual, though!


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